Thursday, June 02, 2005
scratching from my list
pruning time! the twigs have been severed from my lissom luscious svelte self. just to remind myself to NEVER let this happen again, i'm listing the uglies of cyberlife in this entry.
never again...
these reminders are like those posters you put on your bedroom door in dormitories to remind yourself of the important things.
i will try to be more positive in my next list. i just think this not so nice post has to be written --- for my sake, of course! you judgemental eyes out there, go scratch your crotch.
never again...
- will i trust cyberfriends with anything i know
- will i trust actual people i've met in real life who offer cyberspace freebies
- will i associate closely with any cyber person
- will i go to blogs i can't stomach (to reiterate: never jamais nooit)
- will i agree to meet someone i've never met before (this is closely tied to the first point)
- will i disbelieve my jvp partner when she tells me who in our batch hides a mean streak (grabe galing niya she's so right)
- will i tolerate ignoramuses who think they know me when their IQ is smaller than a squashed gnat's soul (if there is any)
these reminders are like those posters you put on your bedroom door in dormitories to remind yourself of the important things.
i will try to be more positive in my next list. i just think this not so nice post has to be written --- for my sake, of course! you judgemental eyes out there, go scratch your crotch.